About Us

Since you asked . . .

TicketMeister PRO is part of the software family of products from Meister Software. Meister Software is a division of Myriad Data Corporation, specializing in the design, development and sale of print and imaging software, as well perforated paper paper products. Our perforated paper products support our software products, all of which are designed to print onto our unique paper formats such as raffle tickets, door hangers, prayer cards, bookmarks, wallet calendars and more.

We have been a member of Hewlett Packard's Peripherals Developer Group since 1987 and the Hewlett Packard Print and Imaging Group since 1998.

Our Start
Our first major experience in product development was in the early 1980's when Michael Scharf, our founder, designed a corporate bond arbitrage and retrieval system for Standard & Poor's Corporation, New York. The product, known as "F.I.R.S.T." (an acronym for Fixed Income Research Software Technology) was sold to financial institutions throughout the United States and Canada. Subsequently, we developed a database entry and error trapping system that was used by major institutions and securities firms in the maintenance of their securities portfolios.

Niche Marketing
While still maintaining contact with the financial community, we decided to design software for specific industries in what is often referred to as "vertical" or "niche" markets. That is, businesses with needs too specific to be satisfied by general, off-the-shelf software. This was also during a time when, comparatively speaking, very little commercial software was available. In addition to financially oriented products, we chose to enter the funeral service and real estate industries.

The Funeral Industry
Our entrance into the funeral service industry began in 1986 with a funeral management and accounting program known as CaseMaster. One of the modules of CaseMaster was a memorial printing segment that developed into a product of its own and became known as CasePrinter. In time, CasePrinter became our main focus in the funeral industry but, in July 2005, was replaced by MemorialMaster. (CasePrinter is no longer available for sale to new customers, although we continue to service and provide free technical support to all CasePrinter users.)

MemorialMaster is a stand-alone, printing program for all memorial stationery including prayer cards, service folders, acknowledgment cards, memorial bookmarks, personalized calendars, memorial programs, register book pages, post cards, grave markers and funeral home directional signs. Visit www.memorialmaster.com for more information and free downloads.

In January, 2007, the prayer card printing segment of MemorialMaster was extracted and offered as a separate stand alone software program known as PrayerCard PRO. Visit www.prayercardpro.com for more information and free downloads.

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TicketMeister PRO

Early on, we discovered that funeral homes wanted a quality program that was capable of printing and consecutively numbering raffle tickets. Initially, it was unclear to us why a funeral director would want this kind of software. Now it is very clear. Throughout the United States, it is the local funeral director to whom numerous local non-profit organizations (such as religious and fraternal organizations) go in an effort to get financial help to pay for raffle tickets for fund raising activities. Where providing tickets once required writing a check to a local printer, funeral homes can now provide their own raffle tickets for local organizations using their own computer and printer. This idea evolved into TicketMeister, our stand alone raffle ticket printing program now offered to the general public in its next generation form of TicketMeister PRO. www.ticketmeister.com

Using TicketMeister PRO, anyone can print professional quality raffle tickets. Using our pre-perforated stock, it is now possible to print raffle tickets costing less than a penny apiece! At less than a penny a ticket, TicketMeister PRO has - arguably - evolved into one of the least expensive and most effective advertising tools available for any fund raising group. TicketMeister PRO users can also print reserved theater tickets and the wildly popular Chinese auction cards.


Introduced in 2007, Printmeister has evolved to become the premier tool for printing those unique items such as perpetual wallet size calendars, door hangers, raffle tickets, bingo cards, bookmarks, tent signs and myriad other products not generally found in one place. It even includes a consecutive page numberer. www.meistersoftware.com/printmeister.html

PrintMeister can also be used to solve many common jobs like printing address labels and envelopes, while using its own database manager for compiling and batch printing names and addresses.


Introduced in 2010, BingoMeister is quickly becoming the answer for creating and printing bingo cards using numbers, text and even images in the actual bingo squares. It comes with hundreds of images, numerous samples and templates and includes a pop-out bingo clipboard to use with our pop-out bingo paper. www.bingomeister.com

Perforated Paper

Through this web site - www.perforatedpaperonline.com - we offer complete paper perforating, scoring and die printing services. In addition to offering all formats and colors of pre-perforated products that are designed for our software products, we offer quick, no-nonsense quotes for all your perforating jobs.

Third Party Vendors

In addition to designing our own proprietary software, we also develop products for third party suppliers and manufacturers. That is, companies contract us to design and develop software to sell their proprietary products. Effectively, we will put your company's face on a subset of our existing software algorithms.

Dealer and Vendor Inquiries Welcome

If you are a manufacturer and are interested in developing a print or imaging program to market your product, we look forward to the opportunity of discussing your ideas. If you are a Dealer or Value Added Reseller interested in representing our products or services, we welcome the chance to talk with you.

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